
American 焊接 Society Leaders Tour 机器人, 激光焊接 Lab at Anoka Technical College

AWS-访问Anoka Technical College welding students, faculty and staff welcomed leaders from the American 焊接 Society (AWS) and area partnership employers to campus Friday, 10月. 29. 学生 presented findings from experiments and demonstrated how they use the equipment in the college’s 机器人 and 激光焊接 Lab. Anoka Tech offers an Associate in Applied Science Degree in 焊接 and a Certificate in 机器人 and 激光焊接.

“We are excited to offer our welding students the specialized training in robotic and laser welding,杰·格丁说, 教员. “Anoka Tech is the only school in the region to have the high-tech equipment to offer this advanced laser welding program that prepares our graduates for immediate employment in the industry.”

The college’s robotic and laser welding courses are offered to a small group of students who work collaboratively through guided research projects using various materials, 功率密度, speeds and frequency to test and learn how to use the equipment in the lab.

机器人 and 激光焊接

“Learning to become familiar with the robotic and laser welding equipment has been an interesting journey,安妮·笛福说, Anoka Tech student. “Our instructor, Jay (Gerdin), encourages us to be curious.”

According to American 焊接 Society President, 罗伯特•罗斯, the welding industry is extremely dependent on a skilled workforce and “this generation will see a gap of 300,000 open positions in welding across the country as baby boomers continue to retire.”

For more information about Anoka Technical College’s 焊接 Degree, Certificate and Diploma program 选择,联系 Enrollment 服务 at 763-576-7710.
